You are a traffic camera. Take photos of speeders and red-light-runners, but not if they are emergency vehicles.
Make $2500 a day to stay alive, otherwise you'll be decommissioned.
Made it for Trijam, but ended up taking way longer than 3 hours- theme was Law  & Order. Made with Unity, used Kenney Assets for everything.
Still in development, I appreciate any feedback!


Space or touch to take a photo, space or touch to restart when gameover


Make $2500 in two minutes


Red light runner = +$128
Speeder = +$128
Ambulance/Police/Firetruck = -$200
Misuse of camera = -$200


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Awesome game concept! Loved it! Nice work! Super Unique. This could be a fun mobile game

Thanks! Yeah it would work well on mobile, might make some more levels, add some pedestrians and stuff.